Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Working with the Portal Menu Structure via the database

I was trying to find all the object that were under a folder in the PIA portal via the data base. The problem is that the menu / component structure is not the PIA portal stucture and the object names in the portal are laid out differently. The portal stucture is laid out in the PSPRSMDEFN table. This table has a whole slew of infomation in it and is used to build the URLs for the portal to point to the menu / componet layer; the PORTAL_URI_SEG# fields are the different parts of the URL that the PIA layer uses to access the components.


This gives all the objects directly below 'MY_PARENT_OBJECT'. The object type is stipulated by a C' for component or 'F' for folders; there are another couple of types for links etc... In order to find all the objects below another you would need a resursive function that drills down each level because for each object, you only have its parent.

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