Sunday, September 14, 2008

CIs: Connecting to PeopleSoft Jolt sever from Why & How. Part 3

[If you are looking to Load 100k+ rows into PeopleSoft quickly, this isn't the post for you! This is a multi post piece on Component Interfaces. Hopefully it is informative reading...]
Part 3

The file is laid out in two Subs. ErrorHandler and main.

ErrorHandler is generic for all CIs. Call it often! One of the major issues I had to deal with was error handling. Wether you use PeopleCode or VB or Java, you must handle errors well. If a CI hits an error it freezes; just like in the web front end. Until you clear the messeges, the CI is unusable.

In using .Net, in the ErrorHandler sub there is a problem. The line:


This clears all the messeges and thus allows the CI to continue. It returns a var bool type (Boolean) but the problem is that is in type format that .Net doesn't like. I have tried marshaling it Ctyping it  etc... to no avail. The only way I could maked it work as to late bind as an object and set the property.
Dim o As Object = oPSMessageCollection
      Catch ex As Exception
msgbox("Problems clearing Msgs.")
       End Try

That was the source of a lot of greif in the begining... After I got that issue sorted out, CIs became an option.

The sample code is well documented and allows you to copy and paste a lot of stuff. 'Try' statements are handy for the major parts of Get / Find / Create, allowing you to retry and handle errors nicely. Notice the statements for writing data are commented out, and read only properties aren't available to be set.

The sample code also showing good practice in setting up the CI by setting the three modes for a component. InteractiveMode, GetHistoryItems and EditHistoryItems. If users don't need instant feed back for each item entered, you can increase performance by setting InteractiveMode = Flase as the app server will only process all the data items at Save time, therefore eliminating a lot of overhead.

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