Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Clean Up PeopleSoft Registry entries from CIs

Over the past couple of months I have made _alot_ of changes to my CIs and have had to
re-build then and re-register them etc etc... but the problem is that when I
have to update the client end, and re-register the tlb methods, I don't have a
'Clean-Up Entries' check box.

So.... To clean the registry from the last registered TLB, take the .reg file which starts:

@="Sun Aug 31 23:45:09
Get your favorite text editor that has Regular expression capabilities (I use Crimson Editor, just casue it is free and does a lot of neat things).

Find: @.*
Replace with nothing

Find: \*\*.*
Replace with nothing

Turn off Regular Expression

Find: [
Replace with: [-

Copy and Paste the whole .Reg file to excel, and sort the column A-Z, to make the longest (deeper branches first) entries go to the top of each group, copy and paste it back to the reg file. Save it to a new name so you have your orignial, and then run it... the [-Branch Name] removes each entry.

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